Play Full songs on Post-Rock Nation

Listen to Full Tracks on Postrock Nation is the largest library & community of Post-Rock music. The discover functionality of the platform makes it easy to randomly find a new Post-Rock band which could be the next coolest thing you’ve listened to.

If you’ve noticed we have links to all the music streaming platforms on Post-Rock Nation, which makes it easy to open an artist, album, or track on the streaming platform of your choice.

If you’ve checked an album on Post-Rock Nation, You’ve probably noticed the embedded Spotify player on the album page, which by default can give you a preview of each song.

But the embedded player can do more than just that, if you’re a Spotify user you can actually play full albums and songs with the embedded player without leaving the website.

To enable this feature you need to make sure about a couple of things:

  • Firstly you need to make sure you have a premium account on Spotify (this is going to be extended to other platforms soon!)
  • Second, you need to log in to Spotify Web.
  • The last step would be to enable 3rd-party cookies on your browser. By doing so your authentication would be transmitted to the embedded player on and you will be able to play full songs.

As you can see it only takes a few small steps to enable full music playback on Post-Rock Nation!

We hope you find this post helpful. We’re working hard to build the largest community of Post-Rock fans and artists.






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